I went for a short ride tonight in the dark. I could barely see any stars, as it was a bit misty. It's strange how even when completely dark, the edges of the sky are quite light. Riding along Koksilah road I could see the silhouette of Mount Tzouhalem. My back started to ache again, about 40 minutes in, otherwise I would have ridden around the lake too. I think Jake is too big for me. I've had it 10 months and haven't been able to get rid of the back ache, and it's really bothering me. I could ride so much further/faster without it. If Jake is too big, there are several ways of fixing that. Get a shorter stem, a smaller frame, or a new bike. The current stem is 85mm, which is already pretty short for a road bike. I don't think getting a shorter one would work because it would wierd-up the handelling, and I don't think I could get one short enough to fix it altogether. Getting a smaller frame isn't really worth it. The cheapest frame I could get would cost over $300, and since Jake has crap parts anyway (and the drivetrain needs replacing and the handlebars are too big, and the rear wheel isb't likely to last much longer) it wouldn't be worth it. Which leaves "new bike", which I can't afford really. I think the important word in that sentance is "really". I could have said "which I can't afford", but I've noticed I stuck the "really" on the end. Hmm.
It was a bit nippy, so thought it best to get my tights out.
There will be no photo with this post.

Distance: 23.4 km
Time: 57 mins
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