... has finally bloomed this week. He's been telling me about the ones he's seen in Victoria for months now, and he we were both very excited to finally see pods emerging about two weeks ago.

Ed's physiotherapist, Heidi, gave him some fruit and vegetables from her garden. He's given me some apple sauce, two courgettes, a few apples and a bunch of grapes.

He was busy all day making apple pies, and I was invited round to his for a slice. Flakiest (sp?) crust I've ever tasted Ed!

Okay, so maybe I got a bit carried away with the camera.

Ed goes back to work (at Canadian Tire) tomorrow. He's been off after tearing his ACL a few months ago. He had an operation about 2 months ago, and has almost fully recovered already.
Good luck at work tomorrow Ed. I hope it goes well!
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