Today there was a cyclocross ride in the morning, which was arranged by Kurt. When I got to Coffee on the Moon, Kevin, Mike, Derek and Glenda were there. We waited, but noone else showed up. Kevin phoned Kurt - he was sick and not coming. Davee and Trevor were supposed to be coming, but nothing. No Amy either. I wasn't going to go, being the only slow person, but Glenda assured me that she was slow.
We headed off - then decided we should go the other way. We rode up Jubilee Street and along Cowichan Lake Road. We set off behind Prevost on some fire roads, with a bit of wide single track, heading towards the Chemainus River. We headed east for a while, then Glenda and I headed back and took a north fork to Chemainus River Provincial Park (I think), then retraced our steps (erm... pedals?) back.
I got home at about 12:30, and switched bikes, had a cup of tea, and then rode to Brian and Julia's as I'd been invited to ride on Maple Mountain that afternoon. Michel and Julia stayed with Eric, Ellie and Mallory, while Brad, Patricia, Bill, Brian and I went for a ride. The trails start in Brad's and Patricia's back yard (literally). We rode some singletrack around the bottom of the mountain, and had a really good ride. I broke my chain, which Brian fixed exceptionally fast (thanks, Brian!). Maple mountain doesn't get much traffic, so the trails are pretty rough, and very rocky and have some pretty steep climbs, so we ended up doing quite a bit of hiking, which really made my legs ache. I'm not used to walking! My legs would get tired while walking/pushing, and feel fine as soon as I got back on the bike. It was really nice to ride some of the trails there though.
Pics at Flickr
Good Rides!

Time: 2:11

Time: 2:30
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