Tuesday, November 11, 2008

More Mountain Biking

... with Julia after work on Thursday 6th (and 13th) and with JuliaBrianMicheleColin and Christine on Sunday afternoon (the pics are blue because I forgot to reset the white balance on the camera).

On Thursday (6th) it had been raining and was very foggy. I had left my light at Amy's, so Brian ws v ery kind and leant me one. We rode up the fire road, and came down Little Dipper, Why Be a Roadie and School's Out, by which time my battery was running low, so thought it best we come down the road. Thanks for coming (and lending me a light, and for giving me a ride) Julia!

On Sunday afternoon we rode up M1 (I think) and Why Be a Roadie, then down Show Time, Fluid and Resurection, then Brian and I rode up Lower De-Analyzer, M1, the Old M/L, then did Cake Walk, Why Be a Roadie, School's Out, Toxic Tea Cup and Resurection.

On Thursday (13th) I borrowed a light again, and Julia and I rode up the fire road to the middle of Show Time, then wound our way down the singletrack.

This post is late because I must have hit "Save Draft" instead of "Publish Post", so it didn't get posted.

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