First I went to the police station to report Walkabout Jake.
Then I went to pay my rent.
Then I went to Superstore to get something to put in the kitchen.
Then I went to the bike shop.
Then I went to see Hilary (she wasn't home).
Then I went to see Amy at work.

Then I was bored for the rest of the day because I'd (stupidly) left my mountain bike at the bike shop to get a new cassette.
I was going to go to Nanaimo to take Mum her birthday present today on my mountain bike, but the brakes were squealing, and the (new) chain was skipping on the (old) cassette. Dale said the cones in the rear hub were loose and the rear derailleur was bent. A couple of weeks ago I had new brake pads, new chain, and the bottom bracket fixed, which came to $90. Today came to $100. The new bike is getting further away, when it's supposed to be getting closer.
About the new bike - the fun of getting a new bike is going through web reviews, forms, spec sheets and the like, until you decide ona bike. My choices are, as Brian informs me:
2008 Specialized Dolce demo bike with a triple and Sora components (Daisy)
2008 Specialized Dolce with a triple and Sora components, in black with pink flowers and swirls
2008 Specialized Dolce Elite with a triple and Tiagra components, in blue with light blue flowers and swirly writing.
This happened when I bougt Jake. My bike had been stolen and I needed a replacement. The only bikes the shop could get were a Norco CCX and a Kona Jake. And I never liked Jake.
They are the only bikes they've got that will fit me, and Brian says they won't be getting the 09's in for at least two months. Other shops have had them for a month now. I think they've got too many Dolces that they won't be able to get rid of. I'm not buying one.
1 comment:
You should consider a used bike like this one:
$1000 gets you a carbon/aluminum frame with 105/ultegra
You should also get a better lock, what have you been using?
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