Thursday, January 1, 2009

Blueberry Hill

Was a long and dark December
From the rooftops I remember
There was snow
White snow

After "Knitting Club" at Tim Horton's (the only place open on New Year's Eve), Hilary, Amy and I picked up (slightly drunken) Dave and Sean from a hockey game ("We got free beer!"), and went round to Kurt's and Nina's for a party. I walked home at 1:20, and got home at about 2:10, quite cold, with wet circles on my upper arms, as I was wearing Hilary's vest and had managed to get both arms inside, so I just got wet head, legs, and where the armholes were.
It was raining all the time I was walking, and has rained several times over the last few days, so one would expect that the snow would be melting, but I don't think it is. The roads just keep getting we and then freezing. The rain just melts the top crust of the un-cleared paths and then freezes.But at least it's not snowing, right?

I woke up this morning to see all the bits that were black last night were once again white.
How long has it been now?
Looking back through blog posts (a blog is handy for looking up when stuff happened!) tells me it first snowed the night of December 12th, which was three weeks ago almost. It seems like so much longer, but I can't wait for spring when the days get longer again.
While at Kurt's and Nina's last night, a song came on the radio that Sean said he really liked, but Amy didn't. I never listen to the radio, so had never heard it. I liked the lyrics, "Are we humans, or are we dancers?" (it reminds me of the Safety Dance), but not anything else about it. Nobody could remember who sings it.
When I got home I found my torrent of The Killers' new album had finished downloading. I was quite excited to find they had a new album out (I stumbled across it on Amazon's homepage), as I really like their music. I didn't expect their second album to be good, but it was. I don't like "Day and Age" though (and I think that's a really unimaginative title) - it just doesn't have the atmosphere that their first two had. It's not indie anymore, it's dance. That compressed keyboard sound has been replaced with a drum loop. "Humans" sounds like the stuff Trent FM used to play at 1 am on Saturday night - club music.
Well, at least we've still got Arcade Fire, and they've still got atmosphere (please don't tell me if they've released a new album and it sounds like country).
Coldplay will always be good though - they just will. They've changed - Parachutes was very acousticy and, if I was a critic I'd probably say raw. Rush still had little electronic interferance, X&Y got less acousticy and is probably my least favourite (but I still like it), and Viva has a completely different sound to it. It is one of them albums that is an album, and not a collection of songs in a random order - the songs flow together, with instrumental bits here and there (almost an opus?) and, unlike earlier albums, the music seems to have more prominence than the lyrics. I read in a Mike Oldfield interview once that when he was trying to sell Tubular Bells, the first record company that wanted it told him they'd only take it if he put lyrics to it - I imagine it would be a bit like Viva, with the vocals complimenting the music, almost like another instrument.
But I don't what I'm talking about - I don't know music, so It's about time I shut up now.

While talking about the damn snow the other day, Hilary asked if anyone had heard "the new song called Blueberry Hill". That would be Violet Hill that was released in June - but it is a very snowy song.

1 comment:

Rach said...

But won't your snow melt before it snows here? We're meant to get another 10cm here this weekend. And it's cold. :( Which is surely something you're not contending with? Just remember someone else has it worse than you, but I realise when you're not used to it and it can interfere with what you're used to doing, it is depressing.

Coldplay=awesome. I don't think I need say more!