Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sausages of the Night

Team Sausages went on a night ride tonight. We were supposed to be riding at 6:30, but that it was more like 7pm by the time I'd got out of work, picked up my bike from the bike shop, put some pedals on it and got changed. Amy was having a few mechanical issues, but Brian to the rescue!
We rode along Lakes Road and Richards Trail to the little Cafe at the intersection of Chemainus Road and Crofton Road (I think) for tea/hot chocolate. We rode back through Crofton and along Osbourne Road.
It wasn't warm, but we were all sensibly dressed (once I'd got my shorts on outside out), and even Amy was warm enough. My ears got a bit chilly - maybe I need a scuba diver hooded jersey like Amy's and Julia's.
I'd left my good light at work, so only Julia had a strong light, but the sky was quite bright and quite a bit of the route was street lit. The stars were more visable today, and the moon was only one slice away from full.
Good ride, Team Sausages.

Time (moving): 1:34
Distance: 30.6 km

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