Let me explain - take (and post) a picture everyday, for 365 days.
From there, everything is flexible, and everyone creates their own rules. Lots of people do 365 days of self portraits. Others will give themselves other restrictions, such as using only their fisheye lens, or taking their photo for the day before they do anything else in the morning.
I thought this was an excellent idea, but didn't think I could follow through - but I've changed my mind. If I have said (online) that I will do this, I can't say to myself that I won't bother today.
This project serves several purposes. Hopefully, having to take at lease one good, postable picture a day will help to make me better at taking pictures. You get better from doing, and this forces me to do. It will also act as a semi-blog in pictures. Each day's picture will give a clue as to what went on on that day. This will also push me to take photos when it seems like there is nothing to take photos of.
My rules:
The pictures don't all have to be different. I'm a bit of a perfectionist about my photos, and have never taken one I'm happy with. I intend to re-visit photos I'm not happy with to see if I can do a better job the second (or third, or fourth) time around.
Each day's picture will be posted the morning after, before I go to work.
They don't all have to be good, because let's face it - they aren't all going to be.
I will post at least one picture of me every month.
If I do miss a day for some reason - it doesn't matter. I'll carry on.
It will actually be Project 334, as I'm starting on February 1st and it seems to make sense I should end (and start again) at the new year, as a journal book would.
The rules must change - as I think all rules should.
The pictures will not all be posted here - they will be on my Flickr photostream:
HERE - and all viewable in the PROJECT 365 set.
So here we go...
February 1st
1/334 - Knitting in Starbucks (because nowhere else is open late on a Sunday, except Timmy's - but their seats are too hard) with Hilary.

That's Hilary in the picture, knitting her "traffic cone" skirt.
I hate the (lack of) low light performance of this camera - grainy starting at ISO 400, and very mushy at wide apertures.
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