The last time I went on a "proper" ride was ... (hold on while I check my blog) November 23rd when Hilary and I rode on Tzouhalem. As my lights were on Jake when he went walkabout, I can't ride after work, or even before (and I've even lost both blinkies). So that leaves Sundays and Wednesdays for riding. Last Wednesday I didn't go out because Mum and Dad said I had to go to Victoria with them as they wanted to buy a car and put it in my name, but they didn't show up. They wanted to go on Sunday instead.
I spoke to Hilary yesterday (when she brought me a birthday cake and egg cup (pics to come)), and she said she wanted to come this afternoon. I had my lunch and planned to leave at 12:30, but with there were tires to be changed, missing cleat screws, flat tires, forgotten water bottles, I didn't get to Hilary's until 2:30.
We rode to the very top of Prevost, met a man called Doug, and rode back down the fire road. There was still light left when we got to the bottom, but only just. It got very dark as I was riding home. It was a very mild day though - no wind and about 50% cloud. We got pretty cold on the way down though. Hilary had trouble finding a warm enough body crevice to re-heat her hands.

Down: time - 22 mins, distance - 7.3 km (duh!)
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