I'm sat here at the computer, and can see the two little boys playing outside my window. They are probably about 5 and 2. The younger one's on a trike-of-sorts, with four wheels. A bit like this,

but the front wheels are further apart, and the back wheels very close together (and his is made of metal and painted red). Who designed this? I can't thing of one advantage to having the front wheels spread apart. As soon as he gets up any speed he falls off sideways. Forget cornering. It's clearly made for a child his size, but the bars are so wide that his arms are stretched right out to reach them, meaning any slight movement of his body or either arm causes a crash.
I saw one of them three-wheeled motorbikes in town the other day. I don't understand why having the two wheels at the front is better than having the two wheels at the back. Just to be different?
Do they even have a differential? Are they front wheel drive for that matter?
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