I don't like Valentine's day.
Insert "Created by Hallmark", and all that "bar, humbug" stuff here.
But I've finally finished the present* for Mum's birthday (which was in November), and after taking pictures and messing around with my home-made extension tube, the thumbnail of this one popped out at me in Bridge.
I would never make anything in pink or purple, or anything with hearts on. These are just purple with multi-coloured "blips", honest. I didn't mean them to look girly.
I can't put up any other pics until Mum gets them.
* I've noticed that here (North America) everyone uses the word "gift", whereas I've always called it a "present". It seems strange, when it doesn't have anything to do with the time between the past and future. But don't you love the internet:
–noun pres⋅ent
16. | a thing presented as a gift; gift: Christmas presents. |
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