Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Something Strange

...happened this morning.
I woke up at 8:74.
Not only had I slept in, but I'd woken up at a time that didn't exist.
Even more strangely, I didn't realize this until I'd showered, dressed and was making my breakfast/lunch.

After this I went to Thrifty's to get some groceries.
Three strange things happened here. Firstly, I bought cheese, which I haven't done in a long time. I'm not sure what to do with it now.
Secondly, I bought some Hobnobs. That isn't strange, but near the Hobnobs I saw some "reduced fat" Oreos. This is also quite normal, of course, as every food now also comes in a low fat version. But on the front they said "30% less fat per two cookies". I realize that a large portion of the population are mathematically illiterate, but where did this come from? Surely, one cookie has 50% of the fat that the two have in total, therefore if two cookies have 30% less fat than two regular Oreos, then each will have 30% less fat than each regular one. Or does it mean that two "reduced fat" Oreos have 30% less fat than one full-fat Oreo, and each diet Oreo has 65% less fat than the regular one. But that sounds more impressive, so why wouldn't they just say that? Am I missing something?
Thirdly, I thought I'd get some Chrismassy tea. I picked up the herbal one, because I only get the caffeine-free stuff. It tastes (and smells) of mint. I never associated mint with Christmas. I associate mint with lamb and toothpaste (not together).

I just wrote a sentence about how nothing strange happened at work today, but had to backspace, because this in itself is stange. Not a day goes by that we don't have a crazy customer that has a go at us because we only stock two types of video cassettes or that we won't knock 50% off the price of their laptop. Today was very uneventful. I'm caught up to within 48 hours for the first time in 10 months. No one tried to argue that virus removal should be covered under warranty, or that they woke up in the morning and their screen was cracked. None of my customer's cats knocked apple juice into the CD drive of their owner's laptops. No one managed to spill an entire bottle of tabasco sauce on the keyboard of their laptop while using it as a recipe book. I found no rotten flesh in desktops. No hard drives spontaniously combusted.

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